Big league spring training has begun and it's almost time for minor league camp to start! More and more baseball wives are saying goodbye to their men and I feel so grateful that I got the opportunity to travel with AJ this season.
We've been in Florida for two months and I'm not even tan. I suppose that's what working 45 hours a week will do to you! On my days off I try to change that by going to the pool, but the adult in me always pulls out the sunscreen. I've seen too many leather bodies. Gone are the days of tanning oil.
Willa has gone from a 2.8 pound princess to a 9 pound rascal. She ran right into the pond the other day.
We have nicknamed her "Alligator Bait."
We have loved seeing our family and friends via Face Time lately! We met AJ's siblings significant others through the screen. How cool is technology? We also got to see our niece Maddie walking around like a little adult.
We can't wait for our visitors to start coming! First up is AJ's parents, only two weeks away!