
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Land of 10,000 Lakes

We have been back in Minnesota for a few weeks and it's been so much fun seeing all of our friends and family that we miss all season!

We are living with my sister and brother in law in Minneapolis for the fall. They are finishing their basement this week and then we will be in our own little haven down there! We love seeing our niece's smiling face every day. 
She learned "AJ" "Em" and "Willa" within days of us moving in. 

AJ had wrist surgery last week so I got to be his personal nurse/pain pill dispenser for a few days.
That being said, we are currently almost finished with season 1 of Parenthood and I felt so lazy that I took up running. Anyone who knows me has their jaw on the ground. My husband was equally as shocked. 
We'll see how long it lasts...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Off Season

The 2013 baseball season has come to an end!

We made the decision that I was going to travel with AJ this season and it has been such a fun ride so far. Of course there were moments when it wasn’t all fun. But I am so glad I could be there for the nights when AJ had a rough game, and for the nights when he made a play to win the game. 

There are days when I am sad that we aren’t doing “normal” married life things like buying a house and living in the same state for more than 6 months at a time. But we have adjusted to our “normal.” Our version of normal is just a little different than most! We are lucky to have made good friends who are living the same crazy life.

I want to say thank you to our family for being so supportive this year. 
This road would be a lot harder without your love and support. You guys are awesome.

I am so proud of my husband. He continues to amaze me every day.

Happy off season y’all!